Results for 'Edgar Roberto Kirchof'

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  1. Contação de história: uma análise da escolha de histórias em um recorte de experiências gaúchas.Edgar Roberto Kirchof & Rosa Maria Hessel Silveira - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2).
    Resumo: Palavras-chave Keywords : Children’s literature. Storytelling. Reading. : Literatura infantil. Contação de histórias. Leitura..: Storytelling is considered nowadays a proper strategy to encourage children to develop literary taste and reading and it is therefore being broadly practiced within educational spaces. Within this framework the present article deals with 140 reports on storytelling observation in schools for children’s education and first classes. These reports were carried out in different places in Porto Alegre and its surroundings. It was possible to observe (...)
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    Realidade virtual, literatura e educação: narrativas imersivas para crianças e jovens.Roberta Gerling Moro & Edgar Roberto Kirchof - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (3):e64043p.
    ABSTRACT In this article, we discuss the potential of Virtual Reality (VR) technologies for the creation and adaptation of stories aimed at children and young adult, focusing on the specificities of their usage protocols. We begin by introducing narratives in VR and their connection to the field of children and young adult literature. Subsequently, 360º videos targeted at children and young people are presented, along with the reading and engagement protocols that arise from their peculiarities. Starting from the field of (...)
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  3. Contação de história: uma análise da escolha de histórias em um recorte de experiências gaúchas.Edgar Kirchof, Rosa Maria & Hessel Silveira - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):203-214.
    Storytelling is considered nowadays a proper strategy to encourage children to develop literary taste and reading and it is therefore being broadly practiced within educational spaces. Within this framework the present article deals with 140 reports on storytelling observation in schools for children’s education and first classes. These reports were carried out in different places in Porto Alegre and its surroundings. It was possible to observe that despite the joyful characteristic of the storytelling moment – that involves costumes, scenarios, puppets (...)
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    Characterization of Reproductive and Morphological Variables in Female Elite Futsal Players.Marcos Roberto Queiroga, Danilo Fernandes da Silva, Sandra Aires Ferreira, Vinícius Müller Reis Weber, Daniel Zanardini Fernandes, Timothy Gustavo Cavazzotto, Bruno Sergio Portela, Marcus Peikriszwili Tartaruga, Matheus Amarante Nascimento & Edgar Ramos Vieira - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We aimed to characterize the age of onset of training, age at menarche, menstrual periodicity, and performance perception during the menstrual cycle and examined the impact of these reproductive variables on body composition, morphology, and body weight satisfaction in Brazilian elite futsal players. The study consisted of 115 female Brazilian elite futsal players from the top national teams. Data were collected during the twentieth Women’s Brazil Futsal Cup. Players were interviewed and self-reported their age of onset of training, age at (...)
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  5. Comunidad y Contrademocracia.Edgar Straehle Porras - 2013 - Astrolabio 14:24-37.
    La crisis es valorada fundamentalmente como una crisis económica, aunque en realidad afecta también a lo político y lo social. Por eso, la primera tarea debe consistir en replantear los axiomas de la economía que han desembocado en la creencia en el Homo economicus y la apología de la competitividad. Frente a ello, convendría desarrollar una política de la cooperación, que aquí recibe el nombre de contrademocracia. Esta cooperación no debería tener miedo del conflicto ni del rol, muchas veces problemático, (...)
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    Comunidad y Contrademocracia.Edgar Straehle - 2013 - Astrolabio 14:24-37.
    La crisis es valorada fundamentalmente como una crisis económica, aunque en realidad afecta también a lo político y lo social. Por eso, la primera tarea debe consistir en replantear los axiomas de la economía que han desembocado en la creencia en el Homo economicus y la apología de la competitividad. Frente a ello, convendría desarrollar una política de la cooperación, que aquí recibe el nombre de contrademocracia. Esta cooperación no debería tener miedo del conflicto ni del rol, muchas veces problemático, (...)
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    Algunos aspectos de la educación compleja.Roberto Espejo - 2010 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 25.
    En este artículo exploramos la idea de la complejidad en educación a partir de la crítica de Edgar Morin de la hipersimplificación de un fenómeno. Para esto desarrollamos dos ámbitos que nos llevan más allá de una comprensión didáctica de la complejidad. En un caso consideramos la componente política de la educación, la cual ejemplificamos con el movimiento de la critical pedagogy americana. En otro caso consideramos la inclusión del aspecto afectivo en la enseñanza, a través del paradigma de (...)
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    On the cultural relationship between Niels Bohr and Harald HØffding.Roberto Angeloni - 2010 - Nuncius 25 (2):317-356.
    It is this paper’s aim to shed some light on the debate about the cultural debt of Niels Bohr towards his mentor and teacher of philosophy, Harald Høffding. The debate began at the end of seventies between two Danish scholars, Jan Faye and David Favrholdt, and in a broader sense it stands for way to show how philosophical influences may shape the scientist’s outlook on the world and consequently the approach to his field of studies. In my view, Edgar (...)
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    Cine y filosofía: las entrevistas de Fata Morgana.Emilio Bernini, Roberto De Gaetano, Daniele Dottorini & Nuccio Ordine (eds.) - 2015 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: El Cuenco de Plata.
    Pensar en el cine como ocasión y potencia del pensamiento significa en efecto, en primer lugar, sustraer la imagen contemporánea del dominio de los estudios especializados y, en segundo lugar, pensar a partir de aquello que el cine crea (como recordaba Deleuze): esto es, las imágenes mismas. El cine redescubre su potencia a través de sus propias formas. Entrevistas de la revista italiana Fata Morgana con: Jacques Rancière, Roberto Esposito, Jean-luc Nancy, Slavoj Zizek, Julia Kristeva, Werner Herzog, Raúl Ruiz, (...)
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    Diseminaciones de Nietzsche a finales del siglo XX en Colombia.Nelson Fernando Roberto Alba - 2022 - Revista Filosofía Uis 22 (1):251-275.
    El artículo examina la presencia de Friedrich Nietzsche a finales del siglo XX en Colombia, especialmente el periodo 1990-2010, a partir de varios presupuestos de la Historia social de la filosofía (HSF) y del enfoque genealógico planteado por el filósofo alemán. Para dar cuenta del anterior objetivo se establecen tres momentos. En el primer apartado I. Nietzsche y la Historia social de la filosofía, se analizan varios presupuestos de la HSF a partir de los cuales se señalan aspectos característicos del (...)
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  11. Bayesian confirmation.Roberto Festa - 1999 - In M. C. Galavotti & A. Pagnini (eds.), Experience, Reality, and Scientific Explanation. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 55–87.
  12. Utopia and prophetism.Roberto Sánchez Benitez - 2024 - In Martínez Vásquez, Luis Arturo, Randall Carrera Umaña, Díaz Cepeda & Luis Rubén (eds.), The liberating philosophy of Ignacio Ellacuría: historical reality, humanism, and praxis. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Agostino d’ippona fra tardoantichità e medioevo.Roberto A. M. Bertacchini - 2002 - Augustinianum 42 (2):347-382.
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  14. Dalla dialettica alla apodittica..Roberto Giordani - 1946 - [Roma]: Partenia.
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    Hector freytes, Antonio ledda, Giuseppe sergioli and.Roberto Giuntini & Probabilistic Logics in Quantum Computation - 2013 - In Hanne Andersen, Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao J. Gonzalez, Thomas Uebel & Gregory Wheeler (eds.), New Challenges to Philosophy of Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 49.
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    Nicolas Rescher, Pragmatism. The Restoration of Its Scientific Roots; The Pragmatic Vision. Themes in Philosophical Pragmatis.Roberto Gronda - 2014 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 6 (2).
    In Pragmatism. The Restoration of Its Scientific Roots (P) and The Pragmatic Vision. Themes in Philosophical Pragmatism (PV) Rescher continues the work of analysis and assessment of the pragmatist tradition that he started more than thirty years ago with the publication of his The Primacy of Practice (1973). The thirty essays that compose the two books (some of them already published elsewhere) deal with a large number of issues, ranging from axiology to epistemology, from art to religion. Th...
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  17. Informaciones.Roberto J. Walton - 1968 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 8 (9).
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    Peter of Mantua and the ‘piecemeal’ conception of substantial change.Roberto Zambiasi - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-25.
    This paper compares the conception of substantial change put forth by Peter of Mantua (d. 1399) in his De primo et ultimo instanti with the one developed by Albert of Saxony (ca. 1320–1390). According to Albert, (i) each substantial form, save for the intellective soul, is a spatially-extended entity with actual quantitative parts that are co-located with the parts of matter they inform, and (ii) these quantitative parts are generated and corrupted one after another over an extended interval of time. (...)
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  19. Ofícios mecânicos e mobilidade social.Roberto Guedes - 2006 - Topoi 7 (13):379-423.
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    Against Anthropocentrism. Non-human Otherness and the Post-human Project.Roberto Marchesini - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (1):75-84.
    Technoscientific progress brings into question both anthropocentric epistemology and anthropocentric/humanistic ontology, which considers the human being as a self-constructing and self-sufficient entity. Even though, Darwinism recomposes the humanistic disjunction between reality and representation: by defining the human being as the result of an adaptive reflection, it reveals the idealistic character of post-Cartesian thought, which is the backbone of philosophical anthropocentrism. The non-human can be a dialogic entity if and only if it is considered not as “animal-by” but “animal-with”, that is, (...)
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  21. Tradurre l'interpretazione. Testimonianza di praticantato pedagogico tra Grounded Theory e Trentino, tra State University of New York e ricerca empirica.Roberto Gris - 2004 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 16:149-158.
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    Recent Trends in Philosophical Logic (Proceedings of Trends in Logic XI).Roberto Ciuni, Heinrich Wansing & Caroline Willkommen (eds.) - 2014 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This volume presents recent advances in philosophical logic with chapters focusing on non-classical logics, including paraconsistent logics, substructural logics, modal logics of agency and other modal logics. The authors cover themes such as the knowability paradox, tableaux and sequent calculi, natural deduction, definite descriptions, identity, truth, dialetheism and possible worlds semantics. The developments presented here focus on challenging problems in the specification of fundamental philosophical notions, as well as presenting new techniques and tools, thereby contributing to the development of the (...)
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    J. R. Shook and J. A. Good (eds.), John Dewey’s Philosophy of Spirit, with the 1897 Lecture on Hegel.Roberto Gronda - 2011 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 3 (2).
    The book reviewed here makes available an important lecture on Hegel’s philosophy of spirit that Dewey delivered at the University of Chicago in 1897. Less than one hundred pages long, the lecture aimed to introduce students to a critical understanding of the third part of Hegel’s Encyclopedia of Philosophical Science. It is preceded by two introductory essays written by the editors – namely, Shook’s Dewey’s Naturalized Philosophy of Spirit and Religion and Good’s Rereading Dewey’s “Permanent...
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    Pragmatism and the Writing of History.Roberto Viola Gronda - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (2).
    The contributions presented in this symposium explore, from different perspectives, the relationship between pragmatism and history, that is, the empirical study of the human past. These connections run deep, and may be assessed on several counts. First of all, many pragmatist philosophers have devoted a great deal of attention to investigating the nature of historical knowledge and its relevance to philosophy. Classical pragmatists such as Peirce, Dewey and Mead laid a strong emphasis on pro...
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    On the life of Asclepiades of Bithynia.Roberto Polito - 1999 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 119:48-66.
  26. Law and morality an analysis of their possible relations.Roberto J. Vernengo - 1993 - Rechtstheorie. Beiheft 15:59-69.
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  27. Mirrors, Illusions and Epistemic Innocence.Roberto Casati - unknown
    I examine some accounts that articulate the content of perception that occurs by means of a mirror. The defended account entails that a right hand seen in the mirror does not "become" a left hand.
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    (1 other version)On the relevance of Carl Schmitt’s concept of Großraum in contemporary international politics.Roberto Orsi - forthcoming - Sage Publications: Journal of International Political Theory.
    Journal of International Political Theory, Ahead of Print. Since the end of the Cold War, a number of authors have affirmed the relevance of Carl Schmitt’s concept of Großraum for contemporary international politics. This article reviews those claims and argues that Großraum has little to offer in analytical terms to enhance our understanding of the international political situation in this early twenty-first century. Those authors who wish to revive Großraum for the sake of their theoretical work overlook vitally important components (...)
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    The Mind of the Hungry Agent: Hunger, Affect and Appetite.Michele Davide Ombrato & Edgar Phillips - 2020 - Topoi 40 (3):517-526.
    The aim of this paper is to provide an account of how hunger motivates us to seek food and eat. It seems that the way that it feels to be hungry must play some role in it fulfilling this function. We propose that hunger is best viewed as a complex state involving both affective and somatic constituents, as well as, crucially, changes in the way in which the hungry agent’s attention is deployed. We argue that in order to capture the (...)
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    International Policy and a Universal Conception of Human Dignity.Roberto Andorno - 2012 - In Stephen Dilley & Nathan J. Palpant (eds.), Human Dignity in Bioethics: From Worldviews to the Public Square. New York: Routledge. pp. 13--127.
  31. Filosofía política o pensamiento sobre la política.Roberto Esposito - 1990 - In Giuseppe Duso & Martha Rivero (eds.), Pensar la política. México: UNAM.
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  32. Standard Rationality versus Inclusive Rationality: A Critical Assessment.Roberto Fumagalli - forthcoming - Behavioural Public Policy.
    This paper critically assesses Rizzo and Whitman’s theory of inclusive rationality in light of the ongoing cross-disciplinary debate about rationality, welfare analyses and policy evaluation. The paper aims to provide three main contributions to this debate. First, it explicates the relation between the consistency conditions presupposed by standard axiomatic conceptions of rationality and the standards of rationality presupposed by Rizzo and Whitman’s theory of inclusive rationality. Second, it provides a qualified defence of the consistency conditions presupposed by standard axiomatic conceptions (...)
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    ... Entre O filosófico, O ético, O antropológico..Roberto Goto - 2017 - Filosofia E Educação 9 (3):1.
    Vário é o conteúdo da presente edição de Filosofia e Educação, não sendo possível estabelecer uma unidade temática, embora entre os textos possam ser vislumbrados aspectos e elementos comuns. Daí o título múltiplo, compósito, reticente...
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    L'histoire et sa théorie.Roberto Miguelez - 1976 - Dialogue 15 (4):608-623.
    À Quelles conditions générales doit s'astreindre une épistémologie de l'histoire si elle veut réellement construire une théorie adéquate à la complexité de son objet? Dans l'énoncé même de cette question s'exprime, bien entendu, un jugement sur ce que les analyses épistémologiques de l'histoire ont, jusqu'à présent, généralement fourni. Ces analyses renvoient à des conceptions différentes des conditions générales d'une épistémologie de l'histoire. Nous nous proposons: d'examiner ces conceptions; d'avancer quelques propositions concernant les conditions générales d'une épistémologie de l'histoire plus féconde (...)
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    Agostinho e a “Descoberta” da Vontade: Estudo Complementar.Roberto Hofmeister Pich - 2020 - Dissertatio 50:27-60.
    Resumo: No presente artigo, busca-se esclarecer os conceitos agostinianos de “vontade” e “livre-arbítrio”, em especial com base no Livro I da obra De libero arbitrio. Procura-se situar a abordagem agostiniana no contexto da história filosófica do conceito de vontade, bem como detalhar aspectos próprios e específicos da primeira fase de escritos de Agostinho sobre a vontade e a liberdade em comparação com períodos posteriores. Defende-se a ideia de que a estrutura da teoria da ação livre de Agostinho é fundamentalmente apresentada (...)
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    The Organizational Basis of Rewarding Regulation: Contingency, Flexibility, and Accountability in the Brazilian Labor Inspectorate.Roberto R. C. Pires - 2013 - Politics and Society 41 (4):621-646.
    Rewarding regulation involves pursuing the complex goal of bringing labor protection and firms’ economic performance together. A central element in achieving such goals refers to how regulatory bureaucracies operate. This paper examines the organizational structures, processes, and internal dynamics that allow regulatory bureaucracies to innovate and meet such developmental challenges. It reviews well-established interpretations about state bureaucracies that have emphasized either hierarchical structures and control processes or discretion and disperse individual behaviors. In addition, it suggests alternative analytical paths for combining (...)
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    Frail or monolithic? A note on asclepiades' corpuscles.Roberto Polito - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57 (01):314-.
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    The Problem of Position. Ajdukiewicz and Leib˙niz on Intensional Expressions.Roberto Poli - 1995 - In Vito Sinisi & Jan Woleński (eds.), The heritage of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz. Rodopi. pp. 40--249.
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  39. W. E. Johnson's determinable-determinate opposition and his theory of abstraction.Roberto Poli - 2004 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 82 (1):163-196.
    A reconstruction of Johnson's main contributions to philosophy is provided. Johnson's theories are grounded on his distinction between "substantives" and "adjectives", which governs the oppositions between (1) particular and universal, (2) determinandum and determinans in thought, (3) acts of separation and discrimination, (4) subject and predicate, (5) thing and quality, (6) substance and determination, (7) proposition and fact, (8) external and internal relations, (9) extension and intension. While substantives divide between continuants and occurrents, adjectives are fundamentally distinguishable into determinables and (...)
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    A parrésia em Foucault - tecimentos.Paulo Frazão Roberto - 2020 - Kairos 24 (1):105-142.
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  41. La dimensión esencial del lenguaje según Heidegger.Roberto J. Walton - 1978 - Escritos de Filosofía 1 (1):63.
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  42. Temporeidad e historicidad.Roberto J. Walton - 2015 - In Ramón Rodríguez & Francisco de Lara (eds.), Ser y tiempo de Martin Heidegger: un comentario fenomenológico. Madrid: Tecnos.
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    Ernst Mally's Theory of Properties.Roberto Poli - 1990 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 38 (1):115-138.
    Mally succeeded in developing two theories of properties, passing from the distinction between Sein and Sosein (1904) to the theory of nuclear and extranuclear properties (1912). According to the first one, the Sein of an object depends on the Sosein of the object, whereas the Sein of the Sosein of an object does not depend on the Sein of the object. These Principles allow the distinction between possible and impossible objects (in respect to Sosein) and between real and ideal objects (...)
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    Developmental trajectories of control of verbal and non-verbal interference in speech comprehension in monolingual and multilingual children.Roberto Filippi, Andrea Ceccolini, Eva Periche-Tomas, Andriani Papageorgiou & Peter Bright - 2020 - Cognition 200 (C):104252.
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    Agostinho e a "descoberta" da vontade: Primeiro estudo.Roberto Hofmeister Pich - 2005 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (2):175-206.
    Este é um estudo sobre o conceito de vontade na história da filosofia. O entro de interesse está na obra De libero arbítrio, de Agostinho. Tanto se procura descrever a suposta “descoberta” da vontade por Agostinho quanto analisar a coerência do conceito obtido. Trata-se do primeiro de dois estudos sobre a vontade e a liberdade em De libero arbítrio I.
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    Quantum MV algebras.Roberto Giuntini - 1996 - Studia Logica 56 (3):393 - 417.
    We introduce the notion of quantum MV algebra (QMV algebra) as a generalization of MV algebras and we show that the class of all effects of any Hilbert space gives rise to an example of such a structure. We investigate some properties of QMV algebras and we prove that QMV algebras represent non-idempotent extensions of orthomodular lattices.
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    The event and the (non-)phenomenon: Marion/Derrida.Roberto Terzi - 2017 - Phainomenon 26 (1):155-183.
    The issue of the event and its relation to the concept of phenomenon has been widely spread in the French phenomenology of the last decades. Firstly, this article aims at retracing some general aspects of the role of the event in what has been called the “New phenomenology in France” and raises the problem of a distinction between different uses of this concept. Secondly, it analyses in two phases the presence of this topic in Marion’s phenomenology. On the one hand, (...)
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    Community of Enquiry and Ethics of Responsibility.Roberto Tibaldeo - 2009 - Philosophical Practice 4 (1):407-418.
    The article assumes that Lipman’s paradigm of ‘Philosophy for Children’ as a ‘Community of Inquiry’ is very useful in extending the range of philosophical practices and the benefits of philosophical community reflection to collective life as such. In particular, it examines the possible contribution of philosophy to the practical and ethical dynamics which, nowadays, seem to characterise many deliberative public contexts. Lipman’s idea of CI is an interesting interpretative key for such contexts. As a result, the article highlights the possibility (...)
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    La modulación cinematográfica de nuestros imaginarios morales y políticos.Roberto R. Aramayo - 2016 - Isegoría 55:767.
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  50. Nietzsche e la filosofia politica del XIX secolo.Roberto Escobar - 1978 - Milano: Il formichiere.
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